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  • Hi,

    I'm new to the scene and hornetgod pointed me in your direction for a metal tag for my vin and man. date that goes on the tube of my frame?

    Can u help me out mine is MIA!

    Thanks I appreciate it,

    Hello rfranks ,
    Thanks I enjoy collecting/building these CT's . I was just in Toledo . My nephew goes to the Univ. of Toledo . What branch of service are you guys in . My son is in the Air force . He's getting close to retirement . You take care .
    Hey Mike, I hope all is well? Im looking for a HKO frame that is in good restorable shape? DO you happen to have one kicking around for sale...? Thank you
    I just seen your PM requesting drive pins.I may have a set left i'll have to check tonight.I got mine from mrichards here on the site.They were perfect in my opinion.Let me check and if i do i'll mail you a set.
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