Another silver tag


New Member
Hello to all. I have a problem. The number on my frame is a digit short??????????? Look below at the pics I posted. That will help you wrap your head around situation.. Thanks in advance.
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Do I post questions here??
Yup, that will work, or in the Tech section above.

How do I post pics?
When you post, click on the picture frame/tree icon next to the film strip and you cna upload your photos.

If anyone can point me in the right direction to get ahold of a Honda trail 70 historian, that would be great. Thanks in advance..
本田技研工業株式会社 in Japan would be the only true historian I know of, but I think there are plenty of folks here who are highly skilled and knowledgeable to the point I believe they read Honda manuals in their sleep!!
Well okay then. I will work on the upload of the pics. For know, let me explain what I have. I have a blue, silver tag,trail 70. The # on motor reads CT70E- 112190,,, and on the body it reads CT70-11245. Just trying to get a idea of what original parts may be missing,,, and what the value may be. I realize this probably can't be done without pics. I can tell that the horn is original I believe, past that the handles are not plastic. They appear to be aluminum . Many years back I was on a forum, very well may have been this one, I can't say. I do remember being in contact with a guy was a forum leader,, and all pics that where sent to him. He explained that bike is mostly original, even paint . However I would like to confirm all of the info I retain in my little brain. So
I think if you get pics up on here it will give a better idea of what is original and possibly a range of what to expect if you were to sell as is...

A silver tag KO for instance, would be worth more than the black tag KO I believe. I believe the silver tags are more desirable. I am sure more will be able to tell you a range of what it is worth etc...
dunright78, you may be off a digit on your frame number. You should have the same amount of digits in both numbers.

My Silver Tag's number is CT-70 104984 and came with black plastic levers, bolt-on tool holder under the seat, zinced wire harness hold-down at the steering neck, black plastic plugs in the right side handle mounting holes, thin handlebar holder knobs, front fender doubler under the front lip, flat recesses across the wheel hub spokes and probably some other things that do not currently come to mind.


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dude really? does anyone know anything about this? is it missing a digit on the frame? not to mention it looks to be in pretty nice shape. I'm definitely not the 'history' expert on these things, being younger than all the bike models w/ the exception of the 93/94 models. i bet guys like HG OLDCT and RACERX (+ some others) know something about this. it seems really odd to me though. not too shabby man.
They are probably in conference debating this bike and scratching their heads. They'll look soon.. Wouldn't hurt to edit your first post and change your title to '5 Digit Serial ST CT70' or the likes.
How do I get them too look @ this thread???

i know you're not the best with computers, but you must have children, or grandchildren… right? or friends with kids? One of the generation Y should be able to Send a PM to hornetgod or OLDCT or RACERX, and there's a few other aces here, maybe EZ50, kirrbby, cjpayne have seen some of this stuff. personally, i'm just too young. give me an internal combustion engine i'll get it figured out (not a wankel), but that's about it. Dezdan is probably right, as well, they've probably already seen it and they're trying to figure it out. when they were building these bikes for the first months there were SEVERAL rapid changes and anomalies between models. you need someone who's owned lots of these, restored lots of these, etc.
It looks like they missed a number on the frame stamp. All CT70KOs had both 6 digit engine numbers and frame VINs. I think the engine and frame go together however, a number must have been missed. Its hard to believe its possible but, stranger things have happened.

It is safe to say the first three numbers are correct "112" they match the engine. The missing number could be any of the last three. My gut tells me the frame should have read 112145 or 112451.
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So let me ask this. Do you think its a one of a kind. I realize it may not be a big deal as far as value,, but to have the only one with a missing number. That has to be something..
So let me ask this. Do you think its a one of a kind. I realize it may not be a big deal as far as value,, but to have the only one with a missing number. That has to be something..

Just because something is rare doesn't make valuable. It might be an error but, its not going to make you rich. I seriously doubt it.

A numbers matching (engine & VIN) would most likely generate more interest but will only be desirable to select few.

Your blue KO is more of a discussion piece. I'm wondering if there is a lightly stamped "1" or "0" under that frame paint we can't see in the pictures.
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