I was having a CT70 frame powder coated and the tag was damaged. The serial number is CT70-244337. Need to know the date of mfg to have a new tag made. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Off the top of my head, I think that should be 03/71. My spreadsheet of build dates is at my shop. If no one chimes in to confirm positive build date, I’ll check tomorrow.I was having a CT70 frame powder coated and the tag was damaged. The serial number is CT70-244337. Need to know the date of mfg to have a new tag made. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
I was having a CT70 frame powder coated and the tag was damaged. The serial number is CT70-244337. Need to know the date of mfg to have a new tag made. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you
Yours is a 06/71 build. It’s right at the changing point from red frames to gold frames. What color is yours?According to what I have found out so far:
6/71 - 274,6xx
Me: 275,244
7/71 - 276,7xx
His bike is a 06/71 build. From the numbers I’ve collected, the 06/71 builds run from 269,500 thru 276,000……give or take a few numbers.Slimmer owns 269545 6/71 SO, it is safe to say you have at least, 7 to 8/71 with a 275244 Doesn't matter if you paint it red blue or gold.
Yep, 05/70. I’ll guess your bike is Candy Red.I have a CT70 with a missing head tag, serial number is 183534. I’m thinking that puts a build date of 5/70?