SL70 - Wheel Talk


New Member
I am building up an SL70 and am stuck sourcing a rear wheel. The one i did buy got lost in the mail. (sad face) I am wondering if anyone has mounted up anything else? Hoping to find a simple solution. But hit me with your recommends.
I am sure I have a new 14” rear rim with a new street tire and tube mounted. I also use GROM sprockets on the setup. I used an ST swing arm and I can’t remember if the hub is the same. I think it is Also the 84 XR100 swing arm can be used but again some mods. It’s about 2” longer. If your stuck PM me and I’ll help you sort it out. Here is my custom built XL70 so many mods i won’t list but a lot of GROM parts. CT70 seat, and 16” wheels


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Oh damn! Thanks yeah that’s rad. I knew the xr100 I’s longer. I could also use the front forks to bring the front up to balance. It all sounds like more work than I initially wanted to do. I thought about just fabrication g a swingarm and use a modern wheel. I’ll PM you if I get stuck sourcing parts.

Anyway, here’s the build. Hammer formed the rear section and make the seat etc.


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