you know i would like to first say how much this webboard has helped me so much in my restoration. You guys probably already seen some on my work and questions and i have only had the bike now for about two months and i have had a lot of help through ideas references answers to questions. I have a 77" and parts for this exact year do not come up very often and i just found a wire harness thanx to you guy thanx for all of your support.
but i would like to see restoration tips, videos. tips on how to install things like a cdi conversion or different sprocket configurations with speeds and feedback, such as torque vs. top speed.
These wesite are awsome five years ago i had a candy apple red ko and i couldn't find almost any parts or info on restoration or wat could be wrong when it did not start, and i ended up selling it due to moving from state but i wish i did know how
what i know now i really regret selling that bike.
This information needs to be added by the membership. There are very few people in the USA that have done all the modifications you speak of above and have taken pictures with step by step instructions.
Message forums are meant for everyone to share information together and not have a couple of individuals or individual running the forum provide all of this information to the membership.
You'll find that a minority of the people here provide the majority of the information to the new people. What I would like to see is everyone starting a new thread when they start restoring a bike and provide lots of pictures and details. I think if this is done, it will provide a ton of information to new people getting involved in the hobby.
I don't post up alot of pictures until my bikes are finished, but when they are finished, I'll give them a full technical write up.