Hello everyone,
I'm in a sticky situation here and could really use your help.
I'll try to make this short, but what happened is that me and my family bought a CT70 on craigslist as a gift for my Dad's 60th birthday since he loves and grew up with them. The thing is that I don't know anything about vehicles so I just picked it up. The seller said there was no title but I thought I could just create one. Anyways, by looking on posts on here it looks like you need a bill of sale. But... I didn't get one. And guess what? The seller is ignoring me now. So I don't know if I'm the first person that has been in this situation, but if anyone has any ideas on how to get it registered that would be amazing since I fell in love with the bike and want to ride it to school.
Details and questions:
- I live in California
- I just have his phone and address (he lives 2 hours away so I would only drive there if it's my last option)
- Payed cash
- Could I create a sort of fake bill of sale? Where I like sell it to my Dad or a friend? And maybe they could even sell it back?
Thank you so much for taking your time if you're reading this.