Testing Lifan full wave stator/rec/reg output.


New Member
Is anyone able to enlighten me as to how I could test the output of my Lifan 125 with a full wave stator? I have a full wave rec reg to suit and I get some pretty funny voltage outputs. About 7V at idle which lessens with revs
Once wired up, the rectifier should have a green lead (ground) and a red lead (bat pos). With the battery all wired up. you should read 12 v across the battery and go up to 14 when you rev the engine.
Lifan 125’s are typically half wave stators. If you’re using a full wave regulator on a half wave engine, you won’t get the correct output.

Check your charging/lighting wires coming from your stator. If they have continuity to the engine case, you have a half wave setup. If the charging /lighting wires only have continuity with each other, you have a full wave stator.