transmission question???

Hello all,I have a unusual question,I bought a ct70 from a friend and its a 3 speed automatic,the owner rebuilt the motor and replaced the transmission from another motor and it has 3 speeds but 2 neutral positions,something from a 4 speed is different,is it the drum that would do this,I hope this makes sense,thanks in advance Greg
i believe the present transmission has mis matched parts but im not sure,it shifts like a 4 speed but there is only 3,does that make sense,how would I identify a 4 speed transmission and a 3 speed,number of gears i would think but whats different on shift drum


Well-Known Member
3speed on the left. 4speed right.

4 low spots on the 3speed shift star...neutral 1st 2nd 3rd.

5 low spots on the 4speed...N 1 2 3 4

Other differences too that you can see in the pics.
