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  • Can you help me with the connections on the new Rectifier you recommended from DigiKey? It has + - S and S on the new rectifier (4 blade connectdors). I have 3 leads from the old rectifier. Yellow, Pink, and power lead. Guidance?


    • CM91 old rect.jpg
      CM91 old rect.jpg
      1.7 MB · Views: 113
    Hello. Advice please.
    I'm trying to restore a cm91 that ran fine in 1998 when I broke a weld on the handlebar. Fixed the weld and now trying to get it running. I noticed the key wont turn in the ignition. I've used penetrating oil, wd40, over a week now. it clicks but wont turn. Do i have to have the battery hooked up for it to turn? Like some kind of solenoid? thanks for the help.
    I would not have any idea. I have not worked on a CM91 before and the wiring diagram likely won't show details about the connector. You could possibly retrofit in different wiring or a different but similar key.
    I agree. i ordered a new key/switch. I'm planning to "gently" remove the wiring from the switch (if i can) and reconnect to the new switch. Not sure how that will work out but about the only option left since i can't figure out how to "freeup" the old switch so the key will turn.
    i appreciate the comments you provided.
    I just picked up a couple ct 90's and would love to get a copy of the pdf information you mentioned. Would be very grateful i you would send them to me at accustrike@gmail.com
    I see that you had some advise on rebuilding the forks on a ST90. I am about to start the rebuild. I have the seals. I've never done this before. Do you happen to have something with instruction to do the rebuild? Thanks in advance.....Kent
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