Opinion- honda big red please


Does anyone here have an opinion on the Honda Big Red? This is the one with the electric start and reverse. I do not have a pic to post, but it runs and looks very nice, plastic in good shape.. Any ideas on approximate value or interest in these cool old 3-wheelers? I know this is very hard without a picture, just ballpark is what I am looking for. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Based on Ebay's completed sales of mid-80's Honda ATC 250, it looks like they sell in the nieghborhood of $500 to $1,000, one "like new" one sold for $1,500. A nieghbor I had growing up had one. When I was a kid, I was riding behind him on the seat and had my leg driven over by one of the rear tires. Was not a pleasant feeling. I was fortunate not to break anything.
My grandma has one and its been damn reliable. Rusted tank has been the only problem in 20 years. Theres a guy somewhere on the internets that made one into a bike...pretty BA.


New Member
as long as its a 250 and its in good shape its worth at least 1000-1500. These are great machines and they run very well


Big Red

Thanks for the info. I appreciate it. Will post pics this week. I already have one 3 wheeler (KLT160), didn't really need another, but a friend brought it to me and insisted....It is a cool old trike and has been well cared for by the older man who had it. He used it to drag deer out of the woods friend said. It is a 250. Bill, I know what you mean about getting your leg ran over....first time I was ever on one, I forgot it was not a motorcycle and put my foot down in a turn...needless to say, I ended up on the ground QUICK!