1974 ct70


Active Member
id rather have that CYS HK1. but still isn't a bad buy especially with the turn signals. Yeah if i wasnt so far away i would probably at least go look.


Active Member
If I was closer I'd consider it. Picked up a '78 for $300 that I'm currently giving my love to for now though.

Yeah i saw that black 78 on CL looked like a good buy and decent shape for the price. Keep up updated on status. going to rebuild or just cleanup get running and ride?
I actually didn't get the black one you're thinking of (emailed that guy and missed out on it). I'd been working on this older lady who had one since last fall, and finally picked it up recently. Wasn't running, and isn't perfect, but I got it running last weekend. I'll try to get pics tonight and post them up, along with what I've done so far. I should have taken "before" pictures, but never got around to it.