Oklahoma Weather is Bizarre


Well-Known Member
Here it is January, yesterday was 60F, today its 63 with tornado warnings and rain so bad that your wipers barely keep up, tomorrow they have forcasted snow, and Sunday its supposed to be back to 50.
Anyone else here is the USA have similar weather?


Well-Known Member
Many locales, across the country...as well as the globe are experiencing extreme weather. It's gone from 50F & sunny, to the mid teens, then back into the mid-40s...with 3" rainfall predicted over the next ~24 hours. Typically, we'd expect to have several inches of snow on the ground and temps below 25F, this time of year.


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma does this kinda thing all the time, except for summer its just hot and humid. Last summer though, didn't get over a 100 like it usually does.


Well-Known Member
Oklahoma does this kinda thing all the time, except for summer its just hot and humid. Last summer though, didn't get over a 100 like it usually does.

It was so consistently hot & humid around here last summer that I had to power wash the black mold that began growing on the outside walls of the house. Seriously, there were days when the windows were fogged...on the outside.


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats pretty bad.lol
Some years ago it was so hot that someone remarked that the fish had ticks on them. There were some people that were cracking open eggs on the sidewalk and watching them actually slowly cook.lol

About 20 or so years ago, Texas had a severe drought and there were national guard trucks out here collecting round bails from the Omish and local farmers, who had grouped together to donate and contacted them. They hauled off 1000's of them. At the time, those bails usually sold for 15-20 bucks, but had instantly soared to 120plus. Inola, Ok is famous for being the Hay Capitol of the World. Its pretty flat country, except for one enormous hill. Its history is that the outlaw Bell Starr used it for a campsite because you can literally see for miles and miles up there in all directions. My brother and I were up there when we were kids. Someone bought the land years ago and now its closed off to anyone. Great place to hike and cattle trails. Perfect terrain for our beloved minitrails:(.
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Our daily temps often have a wide range: it can be around 70 in the day, then drop below freezing at night, all part of living in the high desert and mountains. Thankfully humidity is low, even in summer our elevation keeps the worst of the humidity at bay. Our weather isn't so much bizarre as it is dynamic, and we get everything sooner or later: sunshine, rain, fog, hail, snow, high winds, you name it. I like it, it keeps things interesting, but this area is generally known for its excellent weather, 300+ days of sunshine per year... that's why I'm here, lol. :cool: