New to your site


Just wanted to make a short post and tell you how impressed I am with your site.Lots of good info here, and pretty easy to search and find info for an old guy with limited computer skills. I recently picked up a 72 CT-70 that had been sitting at least 10 yrs. removed tank and cleaned and put it fresh gas, put a battery in it and it started and ran well on about the 5th kick, amazing . have put about 50 miles on it so far. also have an 81 c-70 passport Ive had a # of years. In the process of a thorough cleaning of the CT while its cold out here in KS. Bob in Tecumseh.


Well-Known Member
Howdy, from the Heart of the Mojave desert! :rolleyes:.

Your bike's pic didn't come out, either that or it's really zoomed in.:LOL: