1971 Frame and engine 18 digits apart

Newly acquired 1971 HKO that has been repainted to the max, kinda ugly in a sorta cool way. Bought it to tinker around with during the COVID19 to surpass time. Closest numbers “match” I ever owned and was wondering if it is any more desirable or just something that is unique to the bike. Not going to keep it forever but when I part with it should I take a slight premium into consideration or price accordingly like any other bike. Just wanted some opinions out there.


Well-Known Member
Like sports memorabilia do you have any provenance that they are original to each other? You could probably get more out of it just because they are close to some unsuspecting buyer but people in the know like the ones on here I don't think it makes much difference.
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Well-Known Member
Not really a big deal as resale goes. Exact match OR one off might. Clean, untouched original is worth far more than a 18 digit away from frame bike. To most collectors, I image.
Appreciate the replies. I would agree that I’d much rather have a clean original than close numbers matching. It wasn’t something I ever gave any thought until I got this one with being so close.


Well-Known Member
I purchased a spare left side case from years of cruising ebay that could bring my numbers from 42 apart originally, down to under 18 apart. No desire to do it just for that. I think the spare is 9 off. It was cheap at the time too.