CT70 K0 - sapphire blue - sleeper build

CT70 K0

Just received the exhaust yesterday and installed this evening.

Will remain the fuel line, petcock and gold chain to install before 1st start...

As for the airfilter I should go with the K&N cone filter as suggested previously. Thanks Guys for help !!


CT70 K0

I have addressed most of the fuel line today and used copper that I bended.
Like the result makes it different. Will remain the reserve line to build after I buy the external left tank from g-craft.



Well-Known Member
Pretty cool. I've thought about using soft copper to make a rat bike oil cooler. Just a wad of 1/4 inch copper placed pretty much anywhere you want it. Copper is such a great conductor of heat, bet it could work. It could probably be bent into some sort of cool shape too, if a guy was creative and handy. Maybe something for you to consider on your bike.