ct70h surgery...

hey guys its mike. I have decided to do the cdi swap on the ct70h (Capacitor Discharge Ignition) because its cheaper (its half the price of the damn stator plate assembly on dratv) this will cost me $30 for the staor assembly and flywheel (chinese brand) $20 dol.lars for cdi box and a hot sweaty day in my garage in the summer im just need a little help because every motorcycle, car, atv,atc i have fixed i use either original parts to match the system of it. like if it is a 12v system i use parts for the 12v same with a 6v. but i was thinking of instead of putting it into the harness i could make a small adjustment of running the 12v stator plate wires straght into the cdi plug in from cdi to ignition coil and let the engine run itself. but if thats not possible plz help me out on how to plug it into the harnness cause if i mess up im screwed. thank guys, mike P.S i haven't bought any parts whatsoever so if you want to tell me about any parts or systems that would be great.wiring diagrams could help.
Thanks for any help, mike
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Well-Known Member
You're going to have to source a wiring diagram from the vendor. Otherwise, how are you going to know where each lead belongs? Color-coding is not universal among manufacturers. Beatrice cycle is one of the best in terms of supplying parts & diagrams for their CDI conversions.

FWIW...12v/CDI is a huge improvement over the old breaker point setup.


Well-Known Member
Not at all. What I am saying is that a kit should include the color-coding scheme and that'll usually come in the form of a basic wire schematic. I believe that Jack has these posted on the dratv site. He also sells conversion (stub) harnesses.

Rather than another long-winded post, might I suggest that you look through the info posted? A lot of this will be pre-sorted for you (pre-wired modular plugs), leaving only 1 or 2 leads to figure out, by process of elimination. You might feel panicked at the moment, fear of the unknown is to be expected. That said, I'd expect the Dremel-work (for the CDI pickup) to be the toughest part of the project...and that's not exactly rocket science.


Well-Known Member
in this case.you get what you ask and pay for.if you just order the cheapie ebay china set up,you may just get a partial kit with no instructions and a cdi not mapped with the proper advance curve.it pays to get all the components for your bikes set up from the same seller,3 speed autos have a different curve from a H model 4 speed.you dont want it to turn into a labotamy.instead of surgery.


if you just order the cheapie ebay china set up,you may just get a partial kit with no instructions......
I got the ebay one for around a hundred bucks, and he never gave a diagram whatsoever until about a month of hassles. It never worked anyway, so i'm back to the old Mitsubishi