project woes..


I split the case on my ct 90 project. This is the first ever for me to split a case that holds the trans also. A look inside was :eek: the rod the gears slide on was snapped and also the case has a hairline split in it from one hole to the other where the gear clusters go through the case. What a bummer because up untill that point I knew I was okay. Can the case be repaired and gears found or isn't it worth it? I learned a lot but really would love to get this motor together. Anybody have a cheap clunker around? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Lance


Well-Known Member
The cases can be heliarced, but it'll cost. Check dratv for the tranny gears and shafts. In the end, I think you'll find it much more cost effective to simply source another motor to rebuild.



Just won a ct90 on ebay that is supposed to have just 1.2K on it for under $250 with shipping. I still will try to fix this one just for the experience.. I have a friend that owes me a favor. He may fix my case. No hurry now. Man you were right about neglect of the spin filter.. This bike was ugly to the point that the clutch could not have been working right. Rider must have got impatient with gears..I guess these things can blow up! The shaft snapped and teeth from gears were in the case! The Horror:eek: :eek: :eek:


I bought a cherry one once with a bad second gear. By the time Id priced parts, and this was 15 years ago, I decided to just buy another crapper with a good motor. That was with Honda parts because thats all there was back then. An engine gasket set was $75. At the time you could buy a whole bike for that but times have changed