so many pop up's

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Hey guys, is it me or does everyone see a big jump in pop-up ads and random sites jumping in around every discussion thread here?
I thought as a logged in member, I wouldn't have to navigate around this stuff, it's really getting annoying.
Have I not done something right in my settings, or is this just how it is now?
Not looking for any arguments, just hoping someone could shed some light here..


Well-Known Member
Ooh...don't get me started!!
The ad situation here on lh has changed recently. I have some words that I've never used before here on lh...words that I NEED in order to truly express my frustration with this recent change in our ad situation...

Here is just ONE of my experiences with this recent, fucked up change in the AD SITUATION!!



Kirby, thanks for your reply.
And all I can say is WOW !! that IS really F'd up.

I even had a hard time trying to find where to actually reply to you through all that mess...
Where are the moderator's on this issue? I think this is a really good and informative site, which will be easily ruined by this pop-up mess.


Well-Known Member
We have one guy taking care of the website now...our administrator/moderator/owner. I'm sure he's listening. I believe he already knows my thoughts on this topic.

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Well that's indeed a big job for one guy, I didn't know he was a one man band, but it's certainly something that needs to be addressed some how.
I'm on another forum for my other hobby, yes, I have too many, but we have the option to donate a small membership fee annually, and then you get absolutely no ads, or pop ups. If applicable vendors want to show there stuff, they have to become supporting vendors, and they get a space on the side for you to look at, if and when you decide to click on it. If you want to remain a free acct. then you deal with the ads, its your choice.
It works out really well in my opinion.
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