Wanted: Threaded Fork Cap for Z50/CT70 KO

I'm looking for the aluminum, threaded cap that holds the seal, nylon bushing, etc on the early CT's and Z50's. This is the part that the rubber fork boot/gator slides up onto as well. I'm rebuilding a set on a Z, and one turned off by hand, while the other wouldn't budge even after heat. I finally cracked it trying to take it off with a channel locks. I know you can get these from CHP or DRATV, but I just placed orders a week ago from both, not expecting to need these. I really don't want to pay the high shipping on a one part order. My local dealer claims these or NLA. Anyone have one they'd be willing to part with?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
I have on from a '71 CT70K0, but it's ROUGH looking and has vise grip marks on it. It doesn't appear cracked. It would work, but it looks like crap. May want to check part #'s to see if they interchange. I'm pretty sure they do.

UPDATE: I would go with the ones Bob has offered.
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