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  • Hey kirby idk if you remember me but I had my dad's 69 ct70 k0 and I've look all over trying to find a stronger engine for it do you know any that I can swap in
    Hi Jonathan. A 88cc upgrade to your original engine is a VERY common modification. It's not too difficult to do yourself...if you are at all interested in taking it on...we can help.
    Otherwise, you could contact a engine builder to install the, 88cc big bore kit for you...or to maybe sell you a complete engine.

    The OTHER option is to install a aftermarket engine.
    I'll find the link for you...
    Here it is.
    Hello Kirby,

    I should know this but whatever became of "Bob - RacerX"? I never see him post anything anymore.

    Many thanks,

    I have been a way a while myself. I sent Bob a letter and it was returned Attempted - Not Known. I wanted to catch up with him.
    I have been away for a few years as well but am back and here to stay for a while. Sent a few PMs but no responses from any of them so far.
    Any update on Bob? I thought he was a mod here? Does someone have his phone number?
    Hey Kirrbby,, do you have any idea what those sl70 headlight ears are worth? I’ve had them so long I don’t remember what I paid or how much I paid to get the one set rechromed…honestly I think the rechromed set look better than the nos set…. I know there getting harder and harder to find.. good thing is I have 2 sets of the nos….
    kirrbby, just wondering what happened to racerx/??? i haven't seen any of his feedback for awhile
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    I second that. What happened to racerx ?
    Hey Kirrbby , called the hydro dipper today but he didn’t answer...I left him a message to call me at his earliest convenience...I’ll keep you posted when he does...
    Hello, was wondering if you still had a lot of parts for sale? If so do you happen to have any ST90 Parts?
    Hey Kirrbby I bought some motors off you a while back. I live down in Toledo and was wondering if you might have a HKO frame kicking around? I have one that has a rot spot in it. Hope all is well? Thank you
    Hello Kirby. Thanks for your time and kind offer to help me look for my new project. My phone number is 810 602 9843 . I would like to see what you have that is available. Please give me a call when you are available to talk and take a visitor.
    Thanks again for your help

    Hi kirrbby you seem to know a lot about clones. Please give me your honest opinion on my 03 jenching trail 70 buy. It has 26 original miles on it and looks like new I paid 400.00 for it someone offered me 1000.00 I’m going to keep it what I’ve read the Honda CT70 group seems to think that this was one of the better clones you’re comment please. Thx Anthony. .
    Hi Anthony.
    I really don't know much about the clone bikes, other than what I've read and seen here over the years. But, I do know that you did verry well buying that one for 400. You can get that bike up and running, then just ride it, making repairs and improvements as the need arises...same as with ANY bike.
    Welcome to the addiction. But be careful, little Honda's seem to multiply.
    Thank you kirrbby. I'm new and trying to figure out this website how to like a post and other stuff like that. How do I post something for everyone to see? An idea about an experiment for example
    Hey Kirrbby - Sorry to bother, but I wanted some wisdom from a fellow Honda lover and I see your Buddha and figured... THIS is the guy with wisdom and knowledge! Running into some financial issues.. where would you price my 1991 CT70 with 540 original miles.. and it IS like new.... ANY response and guidance - much appreciated... Thanks- Rick in PA
    Is it normal for a condenser to have continuity from the outside case to the center pole when installed and the points are closed? Mine is new but maybe I overheated it? With both coils and the points wire installed, I get continuity from the condenser case to the center of it.
    Yes it is. When the points close, it connects the points wire, that goes to the condenser, to ground.
    Thanks! You've been very helpful through this 2-year project! In a panic for an event this weekend (can’t take chances) I ordered an entire stator rebuild kit. Expensive, and likely unnecessary, but the wiring on my coils and harness pigtail were in very rough shape. Multiple bare wire spots. Likely repairable but for $45, an acceptable piece of mind. Sad thing, I now have a spare condenser, points....and coils. :)
    Hi Kirrbby, I received the eBay stuff. Thanks!
    I am wondering if you have any H K1 engines or numbers side cases? I'm looking for a 203284 or something close.
    Let me know.
    Kirb, I just picked up a 1970 CT70 that needs some attention and I really don't know where to start, do you recommend getting a repair manual? I was told it ran a couple years ago but it definitely looks like it has some wiring issues.
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